Customer Annual Review 2022/23

Our vision is to be efficient, local, visible and listening, providing sustainable homes and communities.
This Customer Annual Report shows our performance over the past financial year and has been produced in collaboration with you, our customers. You can find out how we consulted with customers by visiting the "Your feedback" section below.
Thanks to your feedback we’ve included sections you want to read more about, hearing from real customers and understanding our performance information.
Your money – how do we spend your rent?
Over the last year we’ve continued to provide key services, great homes and proud communities and invested in our colleagues to deliver high performing services. Like other housing associations across the sector, we’ve been affected by the current economic climate with high inflation and interest rates, labour and supply chain issues and increasing costs, impacting our priorities and focus.
How do we spend your rent?
Every penny of our income is used to improve our services, build new homes and support our communities.
For every pound we receive, this is how it’s spent:
* Interest paid on bank loans to help us build more homes
** Housing management costs for customer facing teams as well as central services like People Team, Finance, IT and Commercial
*** Overheads, for example depreciation and bad debt
We’re proud of the hard work we’ve done this year to improve our services and continue to deliver value for money for our customers. All our customer service advisors have completed multi-skills training giving them the right knowledge to handle all types of customer calls. In addition, we've introduced a brand new extensive six-week induction to ensure our new starters understand our expectations and can deliver great customer service as quickly as possible. We know there’s still lots to do but we're committed to delivering outstanding customer service and believe strongly in the benefits of being a local community-based housing association.
Total spend of repairs and maintenance = £19,301,000 (a breakdown of costs is below)
Description |
2023 |
2022 |
Routine maintenance (eg day-to-day responsive repairs) |
£10,146 |
£10,869 |
Cyclical maintenance (rolling maintenance schedule eg painting, decorating, lift maintenance) |
£4,703 |
£1,354 |
Planned maintenance (eg new kitchens, bathrooms, windows, roofing and doors) |
£4,452 |
£4,779 |
Total |
£19,301 |
£17,002 |
Your voice
“I‘m happy that solar panels were installed in my house and am looking forward to seeing the benefits. Everyone was superb during the process, including the scaffolders, roof cleaners and panel installers. They were very helpful and explained everything to me.” Golding Homes customer, Terry
Delivering quality customer service
We launched our first Customer Offer in September which sets out how our services work and our promises to you.
This offer was shaped and developed with you, our customers. You told us exactly what you value and where you wanted to see change. The aim of the offer was to provide clarity around our services and specific timeframes for replying to your queries. This was initially 48 hours, but we realised that the target was unrealistic for teams, especially given the complex nature of some of the requests we receive. In February 2023, we changed our response time to five working days, and since then we’ve replied to 91% of the requests within this timeframe.
Throughout the year, we’ve been working hard to improve our systems and processes, and to strengthen the training and knowledge of our Customer Services Team, handling calls, emails and social media enquiries. This has included introducing a new internal ‘Knowledge Hub’, where colleagues can access information quickly on our services to help answer your questions ‘right, first time’.
These investments have improved phone answering speed, with customers waiting shorter times to get through and as a result, at the end of March 23, we answered 85% of calls. Our aim is to get to 95% by March 2024.
We’ve continued to invest in our customer portal, MyGolding, making it easier for you to access important information quickly and conveniently. To make this even easier, we’re introducing a new mobile app in Autumn 2023.
How we’re performing
73% of customers are satisfied with our overall service against a target of 82% (this is calculated by the average score of customer responses to a range of surveys. We usually receive 600 responses per month)
Our Customer Services Team received 119,005 calls in 2022/23.This is an increase of 7,056 calls made in 2021/22. Challenges with our service delivery has generated this increase. We’ve made investments into our contact centre which is making a difference. We’re also working hard to tackle avoidable contact, particularly with repairs and gas queries
- The top three types of calls made into the team were:
45% - Repairs and maintenance / Gas
25% - Rent queries and payments
15% - Tenancy issues -
We saw 63,660 visits to MyGolding
37% of these were for rent payments, with an average 2,000 payments made per month
23% of visits were for checking rent statements
Registrations for MyGolding have gone up by 17%. 5,319 customers (67%) are now registered to the portal -
We let a total of 570 homes to customers in need
We’re supporting customers to move to homes in locations of their choice, with 545 customers on HomeSwapper (a mutual exchange service)
Your voice
“I don't think Lyndsey could have done any better. I was very impressed with how she dealt with my inquiry. I wouldn't have known she was training unless she’d said, so very well done to her! If this is Lyndsey whilst in her training period, it looks highly likely you’ve found another brilliant employee to join your amazing team! Please thank Lyndsey from me again, she deserves to be praised.” Golding Homes Customer
“Suzanne is such a happy member of your staff. A pleasure to speak to and she dealt with my query in record time! Please thank her again for me. I only spoke to her on Friday, and she phoned me today to say it had all been dealt with. Once again, I’m grateful to you all at Golding Homes. I do appreciate you all.” Golding Homes Customer
Repairing and maintaining your home
We continue to run a busy repairs and maintenance service with 21,781 emergency and routine repair requests received from our customers throughout the year.
Looking after your home is the biggest service we provide, and we know that it’s one of your top priorities. In October 2022 we launched our first online repairs guide for customers. This explains all the areas of repairs and maintenance that we carry out, and those that you’re responsible for. There’s also a guide to the priority level for each kind of job, so you know what to expect when you contact us.
We need to make sure we meet our targets for completing works, reduce the times you have to wait and increase customer satisfaction. To help us achieve this, we’ve put improvement plans in place to focus on day-to-day management, gas safety, planning and empty properties.
The current economic climate, has caused a number of challenges for organisations like ours across the country. Skills shortages, so finding the right, qualified people for the job, combined with delays in getting materials and parts continue to impact us. As a result, we started the year with a high number of overdue repairs, which meant some customers have had to wait longer for us to complete repairs. We’re sorry about this and have put plans in place to change the way we work, to help us improve and deliver a better service going forward.
We now buy our materials from Travis Perkins which means our vans are automatically restocked. Travis Perkins knows what materials we use regularly and can make sure that there is stock available which reduces delays waiting for materials. This has helped us to complete more repairs on the first visit, improve customer satisfaction and carry out more repairs as we’re not waiting for materials.
Keeping you and your family safe in your home is our top priority. One very important way we do this, is to carry out vital gas safety checks every year. We’re currently 100% gas safety compliant. Thank you for allowing us access into your homes to carry out these essential safety checks.
How we're performing
73% of customers were satisfied with their most recent repair (target 82%)
We completed 8,536 emergency repairs in 2022/23 this is 1,900 more than 2021/22
13,245 routine repairs were carried out by a combination of our own operatives and sub-contractors for more specialist works.
88.42% of our repairs were completed on the first visit this is up from 86.5% in 2021/22
This year we created a dedicated team to manage damp and mould cases, including specialist surveyors and new contractors. This team means we’re able to respond quickly and make sure that our homes are free from any building related problems that cause damp, mould and condensation in the home.
Empty Homes
When a customer leaves their home, we make sure it’s ready to handover to the next customer. Over the last year we’ve seen the cost of getting homes ready increase due to rising material costs and in some cases because of the condition the home has been left in. One of the biggest increases has been the cost of clearing out belongings and rubbish left in homes and gardens. We’re working with customers who are moving out to make sure they leave their home ready for the next person to move in as soon as possible.
Your voice
“The operative was lovely from start to finish. Friendly, chatty, helpful and explained what was happening”
“Your operatives were at my home today, and I’m truly impressed with them. Never seen two blokes work so hard, they are nice, polite and clean up after themselves too.”
“The gas engineer was polite and professional. The leak to the boiler was resolved quickly, as he already had the parts on his van. Great job!”
“Genuinely impressed, not only with the quality of Michael’s work and attention to detail, but his overall attitude, appearance and total professionalism the whole time he was at the property.”
Improving your homes
This year we improved our Decent Homes, the governments minimum standard of housing conditions for repair, safety and services, from 96% to 98% of our homes meeting this standard. 103 homes need to have works completed so we can get to 100%. We’re working with customers to gain access to complete these works.
We’ve invested £14m in your homes, through planned maintenance and improvement works (this excludes repairs costs). This includes £6.8m on kitchen, bathroom, window, door, roofing renewal, as well as lift and heating replacements. You can see the exact numbers completed in 2022/23 below. This investment will help us to achieve the current Decent Homes Standard in every home and improve quality and satisfaction for our customers.
How we're performing
We were awarded the gold accreditation by SHIFT (Sustainable Homes Index for Tomorrow) demonstrating our commitment to reduce our impact on the environment while delivering a sustainable service for customers now and in the future. We aim to achieve SHIFT Platinum in 2026 and gain net zero carbon footprint by 2050.
We’ve significantly improved the information we have on our customer’s homes through home condition surveys (95.67% of homes surveyed within 5 years) and energy surveys (96.59% homes with a valid Energy Performance Certificate - EPC). This information helps plan for future investment in your homes and helped to secure £1.4m of funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) to make our homes greener. We plan to improve the EPC rating in some of our poorest performing homes by replacing old, inefficient electric storage heaters with new air-source heat pumps, as well as installing loft insulation, external wall insulation and cavity wall insulation to reduce heat loss in other homes. These energy efficiency improvements will make homes warmer and safer and reduce customers’ energy bills. During 2023/24 we’re looking to increase the number of homes with an EPC C rating or above (currently at 68.97%) through this work. Our aim is to achieve 100% by 2030.
Your voice
"This is my family home, I love it. My children have all grown up here. I don’t want to leave. When I got poorly, I was worried how I’d cope. I’m not good on my feet and I can’t do stairs so when I spoke to Golding they came round to see what they could do to help. They’ve made some changes like fitting a stair lift which is perfect and even installed things that I didn’t know I needed like handrails. In all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve never had anything to complain about Golding. You really do listen.” Golding customer, Jennifer (pictured)
Putting things right
Complaints provide valuable customer feedback, helping us to make changes to our processes and procedures and improve our customer experience. While complaints highlight, you’re not happy, they’re also an opportunity for us to put things right.
This year, we’ve strengthened our Customer Resolutions Team, with three dedicated advisors supporting complaint handling, providing a personal, dedicated service for customers. We’re clear a complaint can’t be closed until all actions are complete and customers agree to close.
We make it easy for customers to raise a complaint through various channels, including over the phone and online. We make sure we meet the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman Service, including completing a self-assessment form each year.
The most common complaints received in 2022/23 were about:
- Repairs and Maintenance - including missed appointments and communication around follow-on works
- Damp and mould
- Tenancy issues, including anti-social behaviour, noise nuisance
- Gas issues, including cancelled appointments and operatives not attending
We’ve used your feedback on these topics to improve. For example, we’ve designed a suite of improvement plans focusing on complaints, repairs, damp and mould, customer service and voids and lettings. We’ve also launched our compensation policy and procedure from the feedback you provided to ensure we're consistent when handling your complaints.
We’re really committed to learning from the complaints we receive and now make sure that as part of our response to every complaint we explain to customers how we're using their feedback to improve. In addition to this we regularly review themes from our complaints and make sure we make changes to prevent future dissatisfaction.
How we're performing
- Total number of complaints resolved at stage 1 – 558 (491)*
- Total number of complaints resolved at stage 2 - 41 (21)*
- 93% complaints responded to in eight days (92.6%)*
- 49% of people satisfied with how the complaint was handled (a decrease of 16%)*
*figures for 2021/22
Your voice
“I’m quite pleased my complaint was addressed quickly. I honestly didn’t expect anyone to read it, let alone address the issue. Very happy my outcome was positive as action taken to bring my repair sooner.” Golding Homes Customer
“Very pleased with how this (my complaint) was dealt with – I was kept informed throughout.” Golding Homes Customer
Supporting your tenancy
We’re proud to be more than just a landlord, providing homes to over 21,500 people in Kent. We help to support our customers so they can live independently in their homes and support local initiatives to improve our customers wellbeing and communities.
We recognise managing a budget during a cost-of-living crisis is hard and sometimes a change in circumstances means you need support; our dedicated teams are here for you. In addition to our team of tenancy advisors, we have a team of income advisors, employment and welfare benefit advisors on hand, to talk you through your options. You can speak to specialist advisors or visit our dedicated support area on our website for more information about paying your rent, budgeting, benefits, employment support and more.
As a Golding customer you’ve got free, unlimited 24/7 access to support, advice and counselling through our Tenant Support and Wellbeing Service. You can contact TSWS any time, by phone or online using these details: Username: goldinghomes Password: tenant.
How we're performing
In 2022/23:
- We awarded £114,970 in hardship grants, supporting 683 customer applications for financial assistance during the cost-of-living crisis. In 2021/22 we awarded £9,640 in hardship funds to 97 people
- Referrals to our Welfare Benefits team increased from on average 52 per month (2021/22) to 73 per month (2022/23)
- We helped customers access £517,612.67 in benefits (£541,912)*
- We collected 99.22% of rental income (98.46%)*
- Rent arrears for March 2023 was 3.38% (3.23%)*
- Total number of arrears cases between March 2022 and March 2023 increased by 174 cases
- Our employment advisors supported 152 people
- We helped 47 (22)* people find employment and supported 36 people into training
- We supported 39 people with a Personal Development Grant, totaling £6,948 for help with training and learning.
- We invested £180,000 (£221,342)* in community initiatives, including our community grant, 24/7 tenant support and wellbeing service, Shepway food larder, Get Active sessions for children, We Are Digital and slow cooker courses.
*figures for 2021/22
Your voice
“My rent is increasing, and it will affect me but the advice I got from Golding was really useful. You will get help that could make a difference to your situation.” Golding Homes customer Heidi
“Debbie has given me more purpose, to get a job and get my life back on track.” Golding Homes customer Pat
‘The training sessions exceeded my expectations because my trainer, was able to introduce many different concepts about communication, writing, visualisation, and presentation of my content.’ Golding Homes Customer Vincent regarding his training with We Are Digital
Keeping you safe
Customer safety is our top priority. We finished the year with 100% compliance in all areas of health and safety in the home. In addition, new regulations came into force in October 2022 relating to the provision of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms in homes. We achieved 99.96% compliance and have sought access via court injunctions for the remaining three homes.
We continued to develop our approach and response to new legislation relating to the Building Safety Act and the Fire Safety Regulations. We’ve worked with specialist consultancies and Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) to make sure we’re taking the correct steps to keep our customers safe in their homes. This includes KFRS continuing to audit our communal buildings to make sure we’ve got the right fire protection measures in place. This close working partnership with KFRS also led to one of our buildings being used by the service to train and scenario plan.
How we're performing
100% compliant in all areas of health and safety in the home (gas, water hygiene, fire risk assessments, electric, passenger lifts and asbestos)
Your voice
‘The detectors are very sensitive however I do feel really safe in my home knowing they work and I will be looking to use the app in the near future, it was funny to have burnt some toast and had a call from Golding to see if everything was ok!’ Golding Homes Customer Asif
Cleaning and maintaining shared spaces
We work to support our customers to live in clean, safe and secure communities, that they can feel proud of. Our cleaning and caretaking teams visit and maintain 438 communal areas across Kent every week
How we're performing
In 2022/23 we completed:
- 21,691 (99%) cleans of communal areas
- 1,368 inspections to quality check cleans and grounds work
- 1,312 “handy person” jobs to help our vulnerable customers
- Cut the equivalent of grass covering 46 full size football pitches
- Cleared 657 mattresses which is the height of 47 double decker buses stacked on top of one other
We work with our key stakeholders to make sure any fly tipping is investigated and subsequent fines issued to perpetrators.
Following the success of our wildflower project, we introduced more wildflowers to another nine estates with open green areas. We’ve increased the number of wildflowers we’re providing from 300 square metres to 1,000 square metres. This project is proven to enhance areas, deter fly-tipping and encourage wildlife.
In addition to wildflowers, we’ve also planted 15 trees and 20 whips (a slender, unbranched shoot or plant) on our estates to help reduce our carbon footprint and improve our neighbourhoods. We have a detailed trees survey and five-year plan to maintain them, our contractors provide protection for new tree’s establishing themselves.
Your voice
"Very thorough and pleasant. Our landing is always cleaned well. Can't fault them, keep on doing what you do”. Golding Homes Customer at Thomas Robert Gardens
The block (Swan apartments) is absolutely always cleaned to great standards, the cleaning team are a credit to Golding Homes”. Golding Homes Customer
Looking after your neighbourhood
We continue to listen and work with you and our partners to improve the areas where you live.
This year we held 35 Neighbourhood Action days, visiting every area where we’ve got homes. These days are focused on your voice and working together to create actions that benefit you, your family and your local community.
During these visits we inspect and grade areas where you live to help us prioritise how we can help to improve shared communal spaces and promote clean, green and safe communities.
In addition to our Neighbourhood Action days, we’ve been tackling issues with waste, bin stores and noise nuisance in your communities by working in partnership with Maidstone Borough Council’s Waste Disposal team Kent Police and KCC Community Wardens. We introduced neighbour agreements for managing bin stores, parking, nuisance smells and waste disposal. We’ve issued a total of 1,131 agreements – helping to educate and change behaviours that challenge communities and promote good neighbour relations.
Fly tipping and litter are the biggest issues affecting our customers. Working with our partners we’ve supported education and enforcement with:
- 89 waste disposal agreements
- 82 section 46 notices (a section 46 is a legal notice about following rules related to bins or rubbish)
- 11 notices of intent
- 21 community protection warnings
- 6 community protection notices
- 8 fixed penalty notices
We’re also in the process of introducing our first joint Neighbourhood Charter which will benefit over 4,000 residents living in Marden. The aim of the Charter is to create a set of agreed standards that will help to improve the area for everyone living there.
Your voice
“Everyone I’ve ever spoken to at Golding is so kind and caring. We love our flat and where we live and really feel like you care about us.” Golding Homes Customer Mrs Cragg
Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a really important issue for our customers, and a big focus for our teams.
We receive many reports throughout the year about the behaviours and actions of others. The priority of our teams is to help provide the right level of support and advice, as well as educate and encourage positive, respectful behaviours within communities where we work.
Sometimes, when you’re living in close proximity, neighbours may do things we don’t agree with. This could be caused by parking, playing music, children playing, household arguments, rubbish being left in communal areas or making noise late at night.
Deciding if a particular behaviour constitutes ASB depends on many factors, and quite often problems between neighbours are not ASB and can be sorted out privately, by talking to each-other or using the support of mediation services.
Sometimes things are more serious though. ASB covers a large number of unacceptable behaviours, which can have a harmful impact on the lives of neighbours and the wider community, causing fear and anxiety.
We recognise we’ve got an important role in responding to this and we work in partnership with customers, communities, local authorities and the Police to find solutions that will help.
We also have a range of tools and behaviour agreements that we promote within our communities where we work. Sometimes when customer’s report serious issues to us, we’re not able to share everything we’re working on ‘behind the scenes’ but rest assured we do care and are taking steps to ensure we’re doing all we can to help.
In more serious cases, we take legal advice, and may need to take legal action. We want to be a listening, and visible landlord and how we promote and support our communities is a big part of achieving this goal.
How we're performing
- We received 95 reports of anti-social behaviour (128 reports)*
- Out of these 95 reports, 34% (33%)* related to verbal threats, harassment and intimidation and 23% (31%)* related to noise
- We issued 7 community protection warnings
- We issued 3 community protection notices
- We obtained 3 injunctions and 1 possession order
*figures for 2021/22
Your voice
'Thank you for always being so nice to me. It really is a pleasure to have somebody that is so impartial.’ Golding Homes Customer
Domestic Abuse
We’ve been working hard on our response to victims and survivors of domestic abuse. We continue to work with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) to review our practices and learn how we can improve.
We’re currently working to improve our response to domestic abuse so we can:
- Provide better support for victims and survivors
- Improve our maturity of case handling and a trauma informed approach
- Improve our ability to promote safe disclosure
- Grow our own knowledge, skills and competencies to deliver best practice
We delivered training to our front-line colleagues and reviewed our policies so that in 2023 we can do more to improve our response. We designed a new case management system and a new ‘Place Safe’ scheme for providing safety measures in homes ready to launch and pilot in 2023.
We supported 68 victims and survivors of domestic abuse (57 victims and survivors were supported in 2021/22)
Your voice
“I moved into my property after domestic violence and was introduced to Genette. Not only did she want to hear about what had been going on, but she cared, listened and wanted to make a difference. Although she couldn’t fix everything, she really tried in making some of my struggles easier. I think she does a fantastic job. I was very grateful to have met her and been listened too.” Golding Homes Customer Kat
Delivering new homes
We continue to deliver quality, affordable homes in our communities. We strive to continuously learn and improve the service we deliver. We now call all new customers in the first month of their tenancy to help with any queries they may have while settling into their new home.
We’ve secured planning permission for the Cambridge Crescent, (Shepway) Maidstone regeneration project. This is a much-needed project which will replace some of our older homes with new energy efficient homes and create a thriving modern shopping area, improved landscaping and community facilities.
How we're performing
- We delivered 252 homes for 913 people
- 126 shared ownership sales were completed against a target of 122.
- £16.3m in shared ownership income was achieved against a budget of £14.6m. All income from shared ownership sales is re-invested in customer services and developing new homes.
- We’ve helped nine shared owners to staircase* and own more of their home. This has generated just under £2million income which we’ve re-invested into improving services and existing homes, as well as building more much needed affordable homes
- We work with over 40 different managing agents** across estates where we’ve got new homes
- We’ve currently got seven construction projects live on site (three in Maidstone, two in Canterbury, one in West Malling and one in Paddock Wood)
*Staircase enables you to gradually build up the equity of your shared ownership home that you own by purchasing additional proportions of the overall ownership and reducing the proportion that you pay rent on.
** The managing agent is the company appointed to run and manage a building or estate.
Your voice
“I feel fortunate. It’s a real sense of achievement and reward to know that I’ve been able to get my own home, flee the nest and move in by myself, which is amazing. With developments now it’ll be good to focus on those first-time buyers and give them the opportunities to get to where I am now.” Golding Homes Customer James (pictured above)
Working together with you
This year your customer voice has taken centre stage at Golding. We asked you to tell us what you think of our services, what you love, and who really went the extra mile for you, as well as what we need to do to improve - and you responded! We received 9,653 survey responses this year, telling us about your experiences of 17 different services.
We’re thrilled that more of you joined our Customer Voice Panel. We now have 2,200 members! Members agree to be invited to take part (there is never any obligation) in all kinds of consultations. This year you gave us your thoughts, experiences and opinions on:
- The cost-of-living crisis
- The standard to which we prepare homes for new customers
- Our repairs handbook
- A new clearer design for our Fire Risk Assessment documents
- The usability of our customer portal My Golding
- Our Customer Offer
- Our website
Across these topics, we received 1,337 individual contributions – thank you.
Our Customer Insight Group met quarterly in this, their second year; providing scrutiny of Goldings performance, meeting with senior managers, and contributing to decision- making. The group are now receiving updates on our Damp and Mould and Complaints services every quarter, so they’ve got clear oversight of our performance.
We’re always planning new and effective ways for us to work together. In 2023, our focus is on making sure that your voice is included as we design and review more of our services and standards – and share with you the outcomes. We’ll build on our strengths, and all we have in common. We’re local people and your local housing association.
Scoring us
The Government and Regulator of Social Housing have introduced a new way to measure the performance of all social housing providers in England and this time your views will decide how we do.
The new set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) will be used by all social landlords. You may be contacted by IFF Research who are carrying out these surveys on our behalf. They’ll ask you all the same questions and we’ll be publishing the results in Autumn 2024 so you can be sure that they’re collected and reported fairly.
We’re proud of the relationships that we’ve got with our customers and the way we work together to shape the services that matter to you.
We want to know when our colleagues shine or when we let you down, learning from mistakes, and celebrating excellence is how Customer Engagement delivers for us all.
Thank you to all of you, for every survey response, and every walk together around your local community. Here’s to another year of working together!
Your voice
“It’s good to know that I have someone who is genuinely listening to me and working with me to get a quick resolution or preferred outcome. Relationships are built on trust. Golding trust that I’m a responsible customer, and I trust that Golding is a responsible landlord. It works both ways. It’s really empowering for customers to be able to voice our concerns and have an impact on the decisions made that will affect our lives. Open and honest communication is key.” Golding Homes Customer and Trainee Board Member, Ayo Onibokun
Your feedback
Over the last year we’ve used every opportunity to listen to you and better understand your needs, to improve and tailor our services. This has included phone in days with our Chief Executive Steph Goad, Neighbourhood Action Days, estate inspections, door knocking, digital surveying and using your feedback and complaints to improve our services.
This Customer Annual Report shows our performance over the past financial year and has been produced in collaboration with our customers. We carried out a survey in June 2023, collecting your feedback on the last annual report and opinions on the content you’d like to see in this new publication. We sent out 2,045 surveys to customers who requested to be involved with us and got 365 completed responses. 93% responses were from social or affordable rent customers, with 7% being shared owners or market rent. Respondents were 67% women and 33% men, in line with the wider customer population.
We’ve also worked with a small editorial panel of customers to review the content of this annual report. If you have any feedback, please send it to
Your voice
“It’s so important that customers get the opportunity to feedback on the services we receive from Golding. This feedback is crucial to understand and improve. Simone Gamble, Golding Homes customer (Customer Experience Committee and Customer Insight Group member)
“I’m really happy to have been able to assist with reviewing this Customer Annual Report because it cements the relationship I’ve developed with Golding Homes and gives me a deeper sense of wellbeing and involvement in improving my own home and neighbourhood.” Vincent Jasper, Golding Homes customer