Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures

New windows for Golding customer

At Golding Homes, we work hard to deliver excellent customer service because we care. 

Last year we launched an independent survey to understand tenant satisfaction further and identify opportunities to improve services. These tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in 2023 and will allow you to compare us with other housing providers. 

We’re sharing with you our scores for last year (April 2023 to March 2024) and you can read more about the methodology used here.

What do our results tell us?
Our results from those surveyed, show the majority of customers are satisfied overall with our services. The 500 people surveyed strongly felt safe and respected. Customers were keen to see improvements in our repairs services, anti-social behaviour (ASB) and complaint handling. 

We hear you loud and clear and have already started an investment of £22million in the next 12 months to improve our homes. We’re acting now to make things easier; focussing on reducing waiting times for repairs and calls and increasing team members in repairs, complaints and neighbourhood teams to positively impact your everyday experiences and quality of life.

You can read our full 2023 TSM results under each of the headers below.

You can also read our latest TSM perception scores for the first six months of 2024/25 here.

We also monitor our performance monthly to see how we’re performing and share this with all customers online. You can see our latest transactional survey results here. (This is feedback gathered from you immediately after a request or repair.) From this we can see our monthly satisfaction scores starting to rise and we’re building on this momentum. 

Thank you to all those who took time to give feedback.

TSM General Needs (affordable & social rent)
TP01 Overall customer satisfaction 59.7%


Keeping homes in good repair

TSM - Satisfaction with reapirs

We’ve just approved a new Asset Management Strategy with a commitment to spend £60million (over three years).

£22m of this (double the amount in the previous year) will be spent by March 2025. This investment will improve safety and satisfaction in over 2000 of our homes, as well as reducing energy bills and repair needs.

This year we'll replace:

•    300 kitchens
•    173 bathrooms
•    460 boilers
•    400 windows
•    464 doors
•    40 pitched roofs

99.96% of our homes meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standards* — the national standard expected of all landlords to keep homes in a reasonable state of repair.

We’ve recruited a new, experienced Assistant Director of Repairs to reduce waiting times and improve quality of work. Both things your feedback told us are important. Also investing in more team members to reduce wait times for repairs and improve how we tackle damp and mould.

We’ve already introduced SMS text messaging to keep customers up to date on repairs and seen a rise in satisfaction rates after repairs are completed to 82% (April 2024). 

We believe the increased investment in our homes, will reduce demand for smaller repairs over time, having a positive impact on your experience.

TSM Scores — Keeping homes in good repair
TP02     Satisfaction with repairs 65.5%
TP03 Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair   57.4%
TP04    Satisfaction home is well-maintained 59.2%
RP01      Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 0.04%
RP02 part 1     Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord's target timescale  54.0%
RP02 part 2 Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord's target timescale  67.0%

*As at 31 March 2024

Maintaining building safety

TSM well maintained homes

Keeping you safe is our number one priority, so we’re proud that 100% of the checks we legally have to make are up-to-date*. This includes gas safety checks, fire, electric, asbestos, water and lifts. We’ll continue to work to maintain this strong performance.

Thank you to the majority of customers who keep to their first appointment and give us access to your home for these essential safety checks, keeping both you and your neighbours safe.

TSMs — Maintaining building safety
TP05 Customers surveyed who believe their home is safe**   69.2%
BS01 Gas safety checks  100%
BS02 Fire safety checks 100%
BS03 Asbestos safety checks 100%
BS04 Water safety checks 100%
BS05 Lift safety checks 100%

*At 31 March 2024   **Based on sample survey of around 500 customers.

Respectful and helpful engagement

TSM - fair and respect

Keeping customers at the heart of everything we do is essential, so we’ll continue to involve you in our decisions and build trust by doing what we say we’ll do.

You play an important role by providing feedback and holding us to account for the services we deliver. You can find out more or get involved here

To understand your diverse needs better we’ve launched our Customer Compass project to help us tailor our services. This will mean fair and equal access to all services in line with our new policy.

We’ll keep you informed about the things that matter to you including how we’re performing every month and how we’re listening and acting on your feedback.

We also provide regular communications via our monthly newsletter and on our website. 

TSMs — Respectful and helpful engagement
TP06 Satisfaction we listen to your views and act upon them 50.1%
TP07 Satisfaction we keep you informed about things that matter 61.8%
TP08 Satisfaction we treat you fairly and with respect 71.6%


Responsible neighbourhood management

TSM positive neighbourhoods

We’re committed to being local and listening and being out in your neighbourhoods. You told us you value having a named person to talk to, so we’ve increased the size of our tenancy team (by 40%). This means three more people out on your estates who know the area and are available to help you.

You’ll see us out and about more. We’ve stepped up the litter picks, introduced more action days on our estates and provided space for three local food larders in response to community need. And to ensure other groups that do good work can help, we’ll continue working in partnership with local community groups. Last year twenty-eight community groups bid successfully for funding and delivered a range of activities into the heart of our communities, ranging from parent support to digital skills, gardening and crafts to sporting activities.

Cleaner and well-maintained neighbourhoods also matter to you, and to our teams. 

This year we’ll invest extra money and time to:

  • Recruit customer inspectors to check the quality of cleaning and grounds maintenance in communities.
  • Improve bin store areas on specific estates as part of an ongoing commitment to bring all areas up to an agreed standard
  • Continue to ensure our estates team remove fly-tipping within three working days (2023/24 performance 99%). 

We also want safer neighbourhoods. To improve your satisfaction with our ASB support, we’ve invested in training and are working with customers to update our process and policy.  Our new Neighbourhood and Communal Areas Policy improves how we proactively handle your reports of enviro-crime and nuisance such as parking. We've also trained 101 colleagues to improve our response to victims and survivors of domestic abuse and spot safeguarding issues.

TSMs — Responsible neighbourhood management
TP10 Satisfaction we keep communal areas clean and well maintained 58.8%
TP11 Satisfaction we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 50%
TP12 Satisfaction with approach to handling anti-social behaviour 47.1%
NM01 (1) Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord * 22.0
NM01 (2) Anti-social behaviour cases that relate to hate incidents relative to the size of the landlord * 1.0

*calculated as the number of ASB cases per 1,000 homes.

Effective handling of complaints

TSM - handing complaints

Satisfaction with complaints handling has been low across a number of housing providers, and as a sector we’re working hard to understand and improve.

In April 2024, we approved and put in place a new Complaints Policy and process. This makes it easier for you to let us know if we’ve got something wrong and speeds up the process for us getting it right.

To ensure we continue to improve, we’ve doubled the size of our complaints team to six people. This means you’ll have a quicker response, and a named person to help you resolve your complaint.

Since last year, we’ve reduced outstanding complaints by a third. And we’ll continue to use complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve. Find out more on complaints here.

TSMs — Complaints handling
TP09 Satisfaction with approach to handling complaints 32.4%
CH01 (1) Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1,000 homes 74.3
CH01 (2) Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1,000 homes 4.9
CH02 (1) Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage 1) 86.8%
CH02 (2) Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage 2) 72.2%


What next?

We’re committed to being local, listening to you and acting on your feedback. We’re making a positive contribution to our neighbourhoods and investing in our homes and services. We can see our monthly satisfaction scores starting to rise and we’re building on this momentum.

We want all our performance information to be transparent, fair and accessible. We’re already using your feedback to learn and improve our services alongside our monthly performance information, and will continue to share this with you. 

You might be contacted by our independent experts, IFF-Research, who are completing surveys over the phone and online (via e-mail invitation) for this year's (2024/25) Tenant Satisfaction Measures. We’d be very grateful if you could give a little of your time to share your views with them. You can find more about this process including some Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you've any questions about the survey or would like to give us feedback you can do so by e-mailing  engage@goldinghomes.org.uk