Policies & Procedures
Anti-bribery Anti-fraud and Anti-corruption policy May 2022.pdf [pdf] 396KB
We're committed to protecting our assets against losses to fraud and corruption. We're working to make sure that the opportunity for fraud and corruption is as low as it can be.
Bribery and Corruption zero-tolerance
Community Safety Policy.pdf [pdf] 254KB
We take community safety seriously and aim to balance enforcement action with intervention programmes which address the issues and make communities better. We'll work in partnership with other agencies when possible to make sure community safety issues are effectively dealt with.
Complaints Resolution Policy JANUARY 2025.pdf [pdf] 116KB
We always do our best to give outstanding services to our customers but sometimes things can go wrong. When they do, we want to put it right quickly and learn from it so that it won’t happen again.
Compensation Policy - September 2023.pdf [pdf] 147KB
We do our best to give high-quality services in all we do but, there will be times when the level of service falls below our accepted standard. We'll work with our customers to achieve an acceptable resolution while making sure that we take a transparent, consistent, and fair approach when dealing with compensation.
Customer Engagement Strategy 23-26.pdf [pdf] 773KB
We want to create a culture where we respect our customers. Our aim is to create a positive service experience for our customers through continuous improvement which is based on their involvement and feedback.
Customer Strategy 2024_2026. 1.pdf [pdf] 943KB
Our Customer Strategy sets out our priorities for delivering excellent services to our customers. Developed with over 700 customers, the strategy engages and reflects customers' views.
Domestic Abuse & Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG ) Policy.pdf[pdf] 105KB
This policy sets out our commitment to take efficient and effective action to respond to all reports of incidents of domestic abuse. It explains how we provide trauma informed support tailored to the needs of the individual, working in partnership with specialised
agencies to provide a coordinated response.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment Statement.pdf[pdf] 67KB
Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment (EDI) outlines our vision and commitment to EDI and the actions we'll take to help make Golding Homes a more diverse and inclusive organisation. Everyone in the organisation from our frontline colleagues, to Board and leadership is responsible for EDI. We recognise that our colleagues, customers and communities are from diverse backgrounds and have unique characteristics, experiences and needs. Our vision is to create a culture where EDI's at the forefront of our thinking and informs everything we do. It's crucial that our values, policies and actions show our commitment.
Fair Access Policy 2024 .pdf [pdf] 237KB
This policy sets out our commitment to customers to make sure they can access our services fairly, including making reasonable adjustments and receive the assistance they need to sustain their tenancy.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 146KB
This statement sets out what we're doing to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business and put in place steps to make sure that there's no slavery or human trafficking in our business and our supply chains. We recognise our responsibility to take a robust approach to tackle slavery and human trafficking.
Pets Policy 2024.pdf [pdf] 107KB
We know that for many people pets are an important member of the family and offer companionship . T hey also help customers maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and p et ownership can offer significant benefits to a person’s wellbeing . However, it's important that we maintain high quality homes and communal areas, so we need to ensure that pets don't negatively affect others. This Policy sets out our position on pet ownership and the management of these in our homes and communal areas for social and affordable rent tenants.
As part of providing a good service to you, we need to collect and handle personal information from and about you. We hold and process this information to manage your housing arrangements and meet your needs. Your personal information needs to be kept confidential and we take great care to make sure it's collected, stored, and handled responsibly and according to legal requirements.
Rent Income and Arrears Management Policy.pdf[pdf] 159KB
We want our current and future customers to live in homes where they can feel, safe, secure and supported. We recognise that debt prevention is more effective than debt recovery. Our Rent Income and Arrears Management Policy sets out how we'll support our residents and collect rent and manage debt.
Repairs and Maintenance Policy - Jan 2025.pdf [pdf] 241KB
This Policy sets out our repairs and maintenance responsibilities and
service. Registered providers must provide an effective, efficient and timely repairs, maintenance and planned improvements service for the homes and communal areas for which they're responsible.
Our Tenure Policy sets out the type of occupancy agreements we offer and how we manage tenancy issues such as tenancy sustainment, fraud, succession, and assignment. Its purpose is to ensure we meet all applicable legal and regulatory requirements in relation to the form, use of, and management of our occupancy agreements. It also covers how occupancy agreement can be ended by us and our customers.
Unacceptable Behaviour Policy.pdf[pdf] 167KB
We want to provide outstanding customer service and this is achieved not only through key functions colleagues undertake when delivering our services , but also their approach and behaviour when interacting with our customers. We have an expectation that customers, in return will behave appropriately towards our colleagues and that they will not be subjected to unacceptable behaviour in the course of their work.