Monthly Performance

January 2025 Performance

As part of our commitment to be open and transparent with customers, we’ve produced this new section of our website which contains all relevant information on our performance, from these monthly updates to our annual TSM scores and what we’re doing to improve. This should make it easy for you to see how we’re doing and compare with recent months.

If you have any feedback on our performance or questions, please let us know via

Our performance for January is shown below.

Overall customer satisfaction (affordable and social rent) 83.9% versus 80% targetAverage call answering time 2.52 mins versus 3.30 mins targetCustomer requests responded to within 5 working days 97.1% versus 100% targetComplaints responded to on time 100% versus 100% targetRepairs completed on time 81.4% versus 85% targetRepairs customer satisfaction 82% versus 82% targetHomes that meet Government decent standard 99.99% versus 100% targetSustainable homes with EPC rating of C or above 72.2% versus 80% target


How we’re doing  

We’re pleased to report our performance in January through one of the busiest months of the year has remained good. Time taken to complete repairs remains in line with December and just below target, while call waiting time has reduced and repairs satisfaction remains on target at 82%.


January performance stats

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