Your opportunity to work with us to shape our services
The Customer Insight Group provide the opportunity for customers to work with us to monitor and scrutinise our services; from giving us feedback on our services to actively holding us to account on our promises to all customers.
The group is a formal scrutiny panel who meet four times a year and they ensure that we involve customers in all we do, from planning services to writing policies. The role involves reading performance reports and asking for information from managers across the organisation. As well as producing in depth scrutiny of service areas.
If you’d like to join, please let us know and we ’l l support you with training and equipment for joining in with the sessions online.
If you think this could be you and you'd like to find out more, please get in touch with us via email: .
Please see below for some frequently asked questions and responses.
Is this private?
In some ways, yes. The meetings allow members to speak freely, and members sign a confidentiality agreement to keep the confidence of the group. We'll take notes from the meetings, called ‘minutes’. Minutes set out what subjects were raised and any decisions made, but not word for word.
Sometimes there might be subjects discussed that are strictly confidential, but we'll make this clear and agree this with you at the time. You're always welcome to gain other customers’ views and share them at the meeting.