Over 500 customers help to shape our new corporate plan

Last month we consulted with customers on our corporate plan for the forthcoming financial year, from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
A huge thank you to over 500 customers who took the time to respond and confirm that they felt the priorities we’d set out were in line with what they wanted to see. We value your feedback and will use it to make sure we continue to focus on the areas that matter most to you.
One customer commented: “You have put down most things that I feel I very strongly about.”
While another said: “I believe that you are heading in the right direction now as we are only hearing good reactions from people whereas previously it wasn’t. Our experience with Golding Homes had been exceptional and we pass it on to others. I think the communication and updates are very good, moving forward the only things I can say is continue doing what you are doing. It’s only getting better for everyone.”
As a result of this consultation, we’ve confirmed our corporate plan objectives and will be sharing this in April on our website. We’re also committing to quarterly updates in our resident newsletter Home Matters to let you know how we’re doing.
The table below shows the percentage of customers who agreed with a priority being important to them:
• 98% building safety
• 98% better repairs
• 97% improving our homes
• 97% fair access to services
• 96% warm homes programme
• 92% being local and listening
• 93% improving communication
• 89% listening and acting
• 75% new homes
• 69% Cambridge Crescent regeneration
You can read more about what we’ve delivered and our plans for 2025/26 here or take a look at our monthly performance information.