Your new grounds maintenance service

We’re pleased to confirm we’re entering into a new contract for our grounds maintenance service with Goulds Landscapes Limited.
Goulds are a Kent-based company who specialise in grounds maintenance and work with a number of housing associations. They’ll start to deliver this service to customers from 1 April 2025.
The services they’ll be delivering are:
- grass cutting
- maintenance of shrubs and hedges
- litter picking
- sweeping of hard surfaces
- weed treatment
We’ve used customer feedback from surveys and the recent consultation to shape and improve the service for customers.
The services for all our estates are now in one contract. These costs are paid by customers through service charges, so we aim to deliver better value for money, as well as improve service standards and maintenance of our shared outdoor spaces.
What will be different?
You’ll see our new contractors out on your estates from 1 April delivering the service which will also offer a number of improvements based on your feedback. These include:
• More consistent approach across estates with clear standards set out and quality checked.
• Improved attention to litter, with both contractor and cleaners litter picking the estates as part of their schedules.
• Being more environmentally friendly, stopping use of any chemicals on beds and using battery power tools.
• Completing leaf collection throughout all seasons as needed.
• Better communication of the schedule of regular and planned work to customers, including quarterly updates on performance.
• Responsive to supporting with additional services during adverse weather, such as gritting.
• Ability to deliver services on Saturdays as and when needed, so if bad weather means delays the contractors can catch back up on a Saturday.
What was the result of consultation with customers?
Engaging with our customers to make sure our services meet their needs is a priority. We’ve consulted widely on these changes, contacting every customer impacted. We’ve heard back from 50 customers as a result with feedback on the existing contractor and queries around what land we maintain and how this relates back to the services being charged for. If you’d like to know more about the consultation please visit Section 20 on Grounds Maintenance | Golding Homes