Are you looking for work?

Our Workwise team is on hand to help you or someone you know find employment.
While we are currently unable to offer face-to-face meetings but we can discuss your needs over the phone or by email. The response to the pandemic means that there are currently more jobs available in warehouses and supermarkets, and our team will happily support you with your applications.
The Workwise service is able to help with:
- Tailoring and updating your CV
- Advice and support with online applications
- Access to and support accessing jobs on line
- Interview skills
- Dress to Impress (new, free clothing for interviews or work)
We will also be posting ‘Hot Jobs’ on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so why not follow us?
If you are interested or want more information on how the Workwise team can help you please contact them on email or call Penny on 07720 309 727.