Bridging the Gap Together for vulnerable families

The Vine Church based in South Maidstone has always played a huge part in supporting the Maidstone community, providing comfort to families across the town and surrounding areas.
As well as its valuable work, The Vine is also leading on a unique initiative with three other local churches, called ‘Bridge People - Bridging the Gap Together’. The new service, which was set up just a month ago, will help to provide support to vulnerable families from four Primary Academies in Maidstone; Treetops, Molehill, Langley Park, and Oaks.
“The Bridging the Gap service will enable us to reach out to families who need extra support,”, said Dave Creasey, Elder, and Trustee at The Vine Church. “The new partnership brings together a range of valuable resources for families, including meal services, food banks, befriending services and activity packs. Beyond the current crisis, we are looking to continue to provide a long-term service and partnership, really supporting those who need it.”
Following the outbreak of Coronavirus, the project group wanted to focus more attention on helping families who were at risk during the pandemic.
“We wanted to reach out to families struggling during the current crisis so applied to Golding Homes for some funding as part of their Community Chest Fund. We were delighted when we knew our application had been successful,” said Dave. “We will use the money to deliver activity boxes to local residents, assisting them with learning and physical activities as well as providing some much-needed fun.”
Golding Homes, based in Maidstone, have allocated funding from their Community Chest Fund to help charity partners that have been badly affected by Coronavirus crisis.
Sue Chalkley, Interim CEO at Golding Homes said: “As a social landlord we recognise the need to help not only our residents but also local partners who play a key role in our resident’s lives. So far, we have helped 11 different organisations and charities, including MMK Mind, Crossroads Care Kent and The Princess Project.”
“We have always had a close partnership with Golding Homes and support many of the housing association’s residents,” said Dave. “With this extra money, we will be able to engage with children and their families, keeping them occupied while they aren’t at school. The boxes will also provide stimulus for learning when school starts again.”
Caroline McBride, Head of Community Development said: “The Bridging the Gap project will prove to be invaluable to vulnerable families, especially in these challenging times of uncertainty. I am pleased that we will be able to support their activities through additional funding. For families struggling with children being at home and keeping them stimulated, these activity boxes will go some way to helping until they can return to school.”
“We are very grateful to Golding Homes, Wellbeing People and the local Children’s Centres for their support, as well as the local School Heads who have enabled this service to be set up so quickly,” said Dave. “We hope to be able to send out activity boxes to families within the next few weeks.”
The ‘Bridging the Gap’ Service is run by four churches in Maidstone; The Vine, St Martin’s Church in Shepway, Celebration Church in Park Wood and Connect Church in Senacre.
As well as providing prayer and spiritual support, The Vine Church can also help those feeling lonely, isolated or simply want to talk. The church can be contacted by emailing via, or calling 01622 746839.