Empowering customers through digital skills

Six customers from our Opal schemes (older peoples housing) recently enjoyed a six-week digital skills course, led by Chito Nwulu from We Are Digital, a social impact company that specialises in empowering people with access and training skills in all things digital.
Customers ranging from 66 to 91 years old, learnt how to set up and send emails, search websites, complete online forms and use our customer portal – MyGolding.
Our oldest learner, Mrs Sharpe (91 years old) enjoyed every minute and proved you're never too old to learn a new skill. She said:
“I’ve learnt not to be scared of the computer and have gained more confidence in my abilities from sending emails and doing web searches. I would definitely recommend the training to anyone interested in learning more digital skills, our trainer was amazing.”
Trainer, Chito Nwulu said:
“I thoroughly enjoyed training this group, everyone was great fun and really engaged with the training. At We Are Digital, we encourage people to get online and access services, to enrich their lives, help them save money and open up new opportunities. Our d igital s kills t raining is designed to make sure nobody gets left behind. ”
We will be holding more digital skills training at Greenborough Close and Harbledown House in April and May. If you’re a Golding customer or know someone who is and would benefit from this training, please contact Community.investment@goldinghomes.org.uk or call 0300 777 2600.