Festive hamper donations to local charity

Kent based Mums and their families will be receiving some much-needed festive cheer, thanks to a donation of Christmas hampers from Golding Homes.
Golding Homes donate Christmas food hampers each year to a local charity chosen by its employees. This year colleagues from the Maidstone housing provider, voted for the Princess Project.
The Princess Project is a Kent based charity that helps mums and their families to thrive by providing a holistic package of physical, emotional, social and spiritual support.
Emma Tanner CEO and Founder of The Princess Project said:
“It was such a lovely surprise to hear that Golding Homes had chosen The Princess Project as their charity to receive Christmas hampers this year. We’ve been supporting vulnerable families throughout the year through Totcycle, our baby bank, which has been part-funded by Golding Homes Community Chest fund, and it will be so good to be able to deliver some Christmas cheer to families who’ve had another really tough year.
Golding’s Director of Operations, Annemarie Roberts who handed over the hampers said:
“We’re really pleased to support The Princess Project this year. We’ve now been supporting them since 2013 when they received their first ever grant funding from us when launching their charity! They play such an important role in the community, providing much needed support for vulnerable families, who live in our homes.”
Th e Christmas hampers include items such as satsumas, mince pies, hot drinks and a chocolate Santa.
On receiving the hampers from Golding, Emma said: “We know this will help relieve anxieties for these families about how they are going to make ends meet this Christmas. Thank you, Golding Homes, the Princess Project team (and our families) really appreciate your support and partnership.”
Golding has donated Christmas food hampers to local charities for the last 1 2 years. To find out more about Golding’s community work visit our community page.