Fish Fest

We are working with Kent Police and Kent County Council to help reduce anti-social behaviour in Maidstone .
The project, called  Fish Fest, aimed to provide a safe, angling experience for local young people at the lake in Downswood, Maidstone .
Nine local teenagers took part in the experience, which Golding fully funded as part of our community investment work. In addition to the weekend’s fishing, the teenagers also received training before the event and coaching from “Cast A Thought, which provides fishing activities as a tool to support mental health.
Helen Critcher, Golding’s Community Involvement Manager, said: “We’re committed in making improvements to our neighbourhoods and working in partnership with our partners to provide activities and initiatives that will benefit more people and help to prevent ASB issues in our communities.”
PCSO Kirsty Greaves organised the event, she said:
‘Fish Fest was a great success, providing a focussed learning opportunity for young people in the Downswood area. We initially thought six children were coming but were really pleased when more turned up. Speaking to the group, it’s evident they now feel better equipped to pursue this hobby both safely and legally. I’m extremely grateful to local services and businesses for their efforts and generosity and look forward to coordinating events like this in the future .'