Fusion Maidstone supporting vulnerable families over Christmas

Christmas should be full of excitement, warmth and laughter but for many children, this year will be very different as the Coronavirus has left a lot of families facing hardship.
This Christmas children in our community need a secret Santa more than ever!
Every year Fusion Maidstone, a local charity based in Park Wood, supports vulnerable families with Christmas presents. This year they were delighted to be able to continue this in partnership with the Life Café project, with thanks to funding from Counsellor Gary Cooke and the KCC and present donations from Morrisons, helping to make this Christmas even more special to local children.
“The thing about working together in the way we have embodies the spirit of Christmas that we certainly all need this year," said Boden Dollie, the Life Cafe Project.
A huge thank you also to Morrisons customers for their incredible kindness in taking part in the Christmas food bank donations during December, enabling Fusion to deliver a helping hand of basic food, toiletries and baby supplies to families in the Park Wood, Shepway and Tovil areas.