Golding Giveback scheme helps Maidstone YMCA

Golding staff recently volunteered their time to help freshen up a dance and exercise studio at Maidstone YMCA, as part of the organisation's employer-supported Golding Giveback project.
The project enables staff to volunteer a day of their time each year to a local good cause or charity.
A team of staff from across the organisation recently spent a day at Maidstone YMCA in Shepway repainting their dance and exercise studio, helping to give it a fresh new feel.
"The team thoroughly enjoyed their day at the YMCA. They have helped to make such a difference to the studio, and were fuelled on by bacon rolls, which were gratefully received", said Lin Perkins, Community Development Advisor. "So far this year Golding staff have volunteered nearly 96 days, helping to benefit many local community partners. We have been involved in carrying out mock employment interviews at schools, donated and sorted food at local food banks, put together Christmas hampers for vulnerable families, dug ditches and harvested food, and much more."
Golding Homes hope to reach 100 volunteer days by the end of March.