Improving your neighbourhoods

We want you to be proud of where you live and your local community. We’ve been listening and working with you and our partners to improve the areas where you live. Read below to find out more about what’ve been doing.
We’ve introduced, Neighbourhood Action days which give you the opportunity to talk to us face to face about your local area, for example about estate improvements, recycling ideas, fly tipping – anything to help make your local area cleaner, safe and greener for you, your family and friends.
We’ve been tackling issues with waste, bin stores and noise nuisance in your communities by working in partnership with Maidstone Borough Council’s Waste Disposal team.
So far we've sent out 36 waste disposal agreements to customers that aren't getting rid of their rubbish correctly, served notices with MBC to eight different blocks to educate everyone on waste disposal, handed out two fines to residents who’ve been found to have fly-tipped on our land and created neighbourhood agreements for things like pets, parking and bin stores which help to explain everyone's responsibility in keeping neighbourhoods clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.
Golding's Estate Improvement Lead, Mandie Stallard said: “I’m responsible for making sure our estates are kept clean, safe and green and that our customers respect each other and their surroundings. We’ve been getting out and about, meeting customers and making sure areas are kept clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.
"One of my key responsibilities is speaking with customers and explaining how we all play a role in making a difference to our communities. We’re already seeing some big improvements on our estates and look forward to more to come.”