Introducing our Customer Strategy

We’re really pleased to launch our new Customer Strategy 2024-26 which sets out our priorities for delivering excellent services to our customers. We’ve listened to over 700 customers and this strategy reflects their views.
Simone Gamble, Golding Homes customer (Customer Experience Committee (CEC) and Customer Insight Group (CIG) member) said:
“I’m involved as a customer on the CIG and CEC because I want to be able to ask the questions that us as tenants need answers to. I like being involved in the decisions that make a difference to my life and home and I like being able to give back to our community in a small way by putting forward opinions and questions that actually matters to us. We can’t moan about something and then do nothing to improve it, this is how we get our voice heard.
“I was pleased to be one of many customers who helped to shape our customer strategy, which outlines plans to improve services for us all.”
Director of Customer Experience, Rachel McFarlane explains in this short video what the six key themes of the strategy are.
We’ve already started work to deliver the strategy including:
- improving MyGolding with access through our app - Apple , Google and a new function which allows you to check if any communal repairs have been raised at your building
- creating our new fair access policy, which sets out how we’ll support customers with diverse needs
- improvements in our approach to complaints handling, including doubling the size of our complaints team to six people. This means you’ll have a quicker response, and a named person to help you resolve your complaint.
- starting our Customer Compass project, making sure we have accurate data on all our customers to meet your needs now and in the future
- setting up our EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) allies and a programme to ensure we consider EDI in our service delivery