Mobility scooters in communal areas

We understand the role that mobility scooters play in maintaining independence for those customers that need them but as a Landlord we have a responsibility to consider the health and safety of all residents in the building.
Scooters are not specifically recommended by Occupational Therapists as mobility aids, so we are unable to provide or install any support, such as access ramps or store cupboards. Most of our blocks of flats were built before scooters were widely used and so do not contain sufficient space to store or charge these.
In managing our responsibility, we must do all that is reasonable to minimise the risks to our properties and individuals caused by the use, storage or charging of mobility scooters and similar devices in our communal areas. Part of this is to keep common and shared areas in buildings free from obstructions that may cause a trip hazard, fire risk or restrict access in and out in the event of an emergency.
With this in mind we do not allow mobility scooters or similar devices to be stored or charged in any communal areas of our buildings, unless a specifically designed facility has been provided and the residents have permission to use it.
Customers who store and charge these devices within their own homes, which have no adverse impacts on the building or other residents, are kept entirely at their own risk and should be notified to their Home Contents provider. However, for scooter users please be aware of the risks involved in charging these. For further advice on charging your scooter please visit
Whilst we appreciate that this will affect some individuals, the overall safety of all our residents is our main priority. If you have any concerns or questions about the use of mobility scooters, please contact our Property Services team.