Announcing our new Chief Executive

Golding Homes has announced that Stephanie Goad will join as their new Chief Executive in the New Year.
Stephanie joins Golding Homes from fellow Kent landlord, mhs Homes, where she has been Operations Director for four years. Golding Homes has 8,000 properties across Maidstone and Kent and provides a home for more than 21,000 people.
Speaking of the appointment, the Chair of Golding Homes Board, Chris Cheeseman said: “We’re pleased to have attracted an extremely high calibre of candidates, from both within the housing sector and beyond. The Board recruitment panel felt, after an extensive process that Stephanie brought the right blend of skills, experience and passion to lead Golding Homes forward. Importantly for us, she has a clear focus on our customer which will help us to realise our vision of delivering outstanding services, great homes and proud communities.”
Stephanie, who will take over from Sue Chalkley, said: “I’m delighted to be joining Golding Homes at this exciting time. Never has it been more important for housing associations to step up and play their part in combatting the housing crisis, improving quality of lives and delivering the excellent services that all our customers have the right to receive.
I look forward to meeting and working with customers, colleagues and our stakeholders and partners across Kent as we start the next phase of the Golding journey.”
Stephanie brings a wealth of experience, both from Board level and a range of senior roles, most recently at mhs and previously Medway Council. She is a trustee for Golding Homes charity of the year, Porchlight, a Kent-based homeless charity and a Non-Executive Director for Medway Community Healthcare.
Interim Chief Executive, Sue Chalkley OBE has led Golding Homes since March 2019 and will remain in post till March to ensure a smooth handover.