Delivering new homes during lockdown

The Covid pandemic has affected many people, organisations and businesses since March, but this hasn’t stopped Golding Homes from delivering new homes for local people.
Golding Homes, based in Maidstone, has worked together with their construction partners to deliver 154 new homes since 1 April, meaning 566 local people now have a new home to live in.
When Government announced the lockdown on 23 March, the construction industry was forced to down tools and stop all work on development sites. Golding had 23 development sites that closed across Kent.
“As we first entered into lockdown, we knew this could have a huge impact on delivering new affordable homes to people who need them,” said Tom Casey, Director of Development and Sales at Golding Homes.
“However, as the lockdown eased, we were able to speak to our construction partners about returning to site in a Covid-safe way”
Out of the 154 new homes delivered, 114 of these were affordable rent and 40 were for sale through the Shared Ownership scheme. Based across Maidstone, Ashford, Medway, and Faversham these new developments have housed 566 people since April.
Golding customer Alex recently moved into a new Shared Ownership home with his wife and 3-year-old son. Speaking about moving into their new home at our Orchard Green development in Faversham, Alex said: “When we picked up the keys, we felt ecstatic. After a 3-month period of stress it was great to get the keys and move in.”
“As a local landlord, we understand that the pandemic has left many of our residents and partners struggling. But, working with our construction partners, which includes a mix of large house builders and smaller local contractors, we have delivered some fantastic new homes and supported the local economy through these investments,” said Tom.