Our Customer Annual Review 2020/21

Our Customer Annual Review outlines how we've put our customers first and supported them over the past year.
It covers how we performed over the last financial year, the services we’ve improved thanks to your feedback, customer safety and the help and support we’ve provided to our customers and the wider community.
Annemarie Roberts, Director of Operations said:
“In the last year we believe there has been a real connection with you, our customers. We are using every opportunity to listen to you to improve our services. Whether that is a freephone day, door knocking or looking at your feedback or complaints. Your views are important to us, and we are listening to what you have to say."
John Jackson, Chair of the Customer Insight Group said:
"Golding's overall aim is to involve customers in continuously and measurably improving the quality of service provision, for the benefit of all. I’m looking forward to working alongside the other members of CIG and assisting Golding Homes to realise this ambition and reporting back on the progress being made."
If you’d like a printed version of the Customer Annual Review, email the communications team including your name and address.