Our Customer Compass survey is helping to understand our customers diverse needs

To make sure we can meet the needs of all our customers we must understand you better. We’re committed to collecting data on our customers to make sure we can meet your diverse needs. This is a two-way conversation and will help us to help you.
We’re calling this our Customer Compass, as it’ll help us to navigate how we can best deliver our services to you.
Keeping up with life’s changes
We’ll check in with all our customers over the next year to understand any changes relevant to us delivering services, this could be about your household, any special support needs, engagement and communication preferences/interests. The data collected on customers’ priorities, needs and preferences will then be used to inform the way we deliver our services a nd improvement plans.
When will this happen?
We’ll be contacting customers this year and asking you to complete an online form updating your essential data or talk to us over the phone, or face to face. We’ll be aiming to capture this information when we’re in contact with you and out on our estates.
This will happen routinely every few years, to make sure we always have up-to-date accurate customer information.
What do I need to do?
When we get in contact with you to check your information please reply and update the online form. If you ’ re unable to use the online form, please let us know and one of our colleagues can support you through this. It’s also important you let us know if your circumstances change, for example if you have a new baby or someone moves out of your home .
Why are you asking for this information?
It’s important we have the most up to date information on you and your family as Housing law has changed. When you became a Golding customer, you provided information about yourself , but this quickly goes out of date, so we need to make sure we have up to date information , so we understand your needs better. This’ll help us to make sure we’re providing equal access to our services for all our customers.
What sort of data will you be asking for?
We need to capture a range of information to make sure we’re providing our services to you in the right way. This will include contact information, through to gender, ethnicity, support needs or communication preferences.
Some of the information we’re requesting is optional, so if you don’t want to provide this information, that’s fine, just let us know.
How will you store this data ?
Your data will be stored securely and used by Golding Homes to provide services to you , in line with GDPR (general data protection regulations) . We may also share your data with our partner organisations, this may include contractors, local authorities or other organisations that deliver services or work with us. We’ll always make sure there is an appropriate data sharing agreement in place to protect your data.
If you’d like to know more about the Customer Compass project including how your data will be used and protected please contact us.
If you’d like this information supplied in another format or translated, please let us know via communications@goldinghomes.org.uk