Our February performance

We are working hard on improving our services to you and want to be open with our customers about how we are performing, so each month will share our performance figures with you.
The graphic below shows our performance in February 2021. This gives you a clear picture of how we are doing against our customer service standards. You can also download a copy by clicking the link: Customer Performance Feb 21 [pdf] 73KB
We take your feedback through complaints, surveys, and compliments seriously. Our ‘You Said, We Did’ feature details what we have done to improve our services to you.
You Said, We Did
- You said... You have been waiting a long time for Occupational Therapy assessments from local authorities
We did… We are working with an independent company to carry out these assessments to help speed up the process for our customers. Customers can make a request for an Occupational Therapy assessment by contacting us on 0300 777 2600 or emailing help@goldinghomes.org.uk
- You said… You told us that when you end your market rent tenancies with us there is some confusion around the rights and responsibilities that you have at that time. This sometimes led to multiple telephone calls and emails as you tried to work out what you needed to do, or what we could do for you.
We did... We have now added an important step to our procedure when you end your market rent tenancy. From now on we will contact you directly when you give notice, and have a full discussion with you, making sure that you understand the next steps, and how we can best support you.
To see how we compare against last month's performance you can view our December performance and You Said, We Did by following the link: January 2021 performance