Our gift to you

At Golding Homes we want to support you and your household as much as we can.
We understand that during the festive season, you may be experiencing difficult emotions or finding it hard.
We can now help with round the clock access to the 24/7 Tenant Support & Wellbeing Service (TSWS), which is Golding Homes gift to you this year! This present is not just for Christmas either as this independent counselling and advice service is available for you, all year round.
This new service provides free, confidential and practical information and support on a wide range of issues to help you get through the festive season, and beyond, including:
• Avoiding family pressures and setting your own traditions
• Coping with loneliness, or the loss of a loved one
• Surviving social and family gatherings
• Enjoying yourself without overdoing it
• Budgeting and avoiding January debt
• Stress and tiredness
• Consumer rights
• Christmas Blues
• Staying safe
Your confidential Tenant Support & Wellbeing Service is here for you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year; even on Christmas day!
This online service can be accessed via: www.tsws-assist.co.uk . Look out for a postcard from us which is being delivered from 20 December with more information and the login details for this free service.