Our January performance

To show how and what we are doing to be outstanding at customer service, we are going to be publishing regular performance figures to our customers.
The graphic below shows our performance in January 2021, giving a picture of how we did last month. This gives you a clear picture of how we are doing against our customer service standards. You can also download a copy by clicking the link: How did we do January 2021[pdf] 228KB
We take your feedback through complaints, surveys, and compliments seriously. Our ‘You Said, We Did’ feature details what we have done to improve our services to you.
You Said, We Did
- You said... You told us that you want to be kept more informed of the progress when you apply for a mutual exchange. It can be a long process, and regular updates really help to provide reassurance that progress is being made.
We did… We are introducing a system called Swaptracker, an online digital dashboard that keeps you informed of progress, and any actions you need to take. It also allows you to send in documents digitally, avoiding postal delays, and is Covid secure
- You said… You have been struggling to get through to us by telephone
We did ... We have employed another member of Customer Service staff to provide additional cover during peak periods, helping you to get through to us when you need it.
- You said… You want to be provided with home safety information that can help to keep your home and family safe.
We did… We are planning a customer safety advice sheet that will cover a number of key safety areas including fire, electrical, asbestos, and water safety. We hope to have this available in March.
- You said... You told us that some of the open green areas around our estates are looking tired and that you’d like to see some planting. Also, in areas where there are no green open spaces, you’ve asked for some raised planters to bring in some colour and to make the areas more attractive and welcoming.
We did... We are working on a pilot project to transform some of our wider green areas by sowing natural wildflowers. These areas will be monitored, but we hope to see them bloom, attracting bees and other insects. In other areas where there is no green space, we will plant flowers and plants in raised beds. This is a pilot scheme that, if successful, we hope to roll out further to other areas. Planting will begin from mid-March to make sure that the last of the hard frost is past. Let us know what you think if you do see any of these areas.
To see how we compare against last month's performance you can view our December performance and You Said, We Did by following the link: December 2020 performance