Our March performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we are performing, so each month we will share our performance figures with you. This graphic shows our performance figures for March 2022 and you can also download it here Customer performance Mar 22.pdf [pdf] 143KB or review previous months on our website, just search "performance".
We are sharing these to be open and transparent about how we are doing. If you have any feedback on our performance please email engage@goldinghomes.org.uk
We continue to listen to your feedback and work to improve our services and our regular "You said, We did" feature shows the improvements we've made.
But who is the 'you' in 'you said'?
'You' is every single customer who gets involved in large or small ways, and every customer who makes a complaint when we fall short of your expectations.
You might not have a huge amount of time to devote to working with us, and that’s ok! Completing the surveys that we send to your mobile phone by text or email is an effective way to make your voice heard.
We keep our questions to the point so that we're not asking for too much of your time, but there is always room for your comments and suggestions so please make the most of them. We read all replies, and we learn a lot from you this way.