Our March performance

We are working hard on improving our services to you and want to be open with our customers about how we are performing, so each month we will share our performance figures with you. This graphic shows our performance figures for March. You can also download a copy by clicking this link Customer Performance March 21.pdf [pdf] 44KB.
Our regular “You Said, We Did” feature shows some recent examples of how we are listening to our customers through complaints, surveys and compliments and making improvements based on your feedback.
This month:
- You said... While you appreciated parking enforcement on our properties being suspended whilst people were at home during the Coronavirus lockdown, you were concerned that emergency vehicles might struggle to pass where some people were parking recklessly.
- We did... We reintroduced parking enforcement on all our estates from 19 April 2021. This should help to keep verges clear and enable both emergency and refuse vehicles to pass safely.
- You said… When our operatives attend your property to complete a repair, they sometimes leave with other parts of the repair still to be completed, but without your knowing when that will happen.
- We did… We have now instructed all our operatives to give our customers a quick round up of the work completed, and details of what still needs to be done (if anything) before they leave you. If more work is required, they will book this in then and there. This should make you better informed of progress and when the next stage of the repair will be done.
For more ‘You Said, We Did’ items or to view previous months performance figures, just search performance in the news section of our website.