Our July Performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we are performing, so each month we will share our performance figures with you. This graphic shows our performance figures for July 2021 and you can also download it here Customer Performance July 21.pdf [pdf] 59KB or review previous months on our website, just search "performance". We are sharing these to be open and transparent about how we are doing. From July the customer satisfaction figure will take into account surveys completed via our new text and email service which we told you about previously here. If you have any feedback on our performance please e-mail engage@goldinghomes.org.uk
We continue to listen to your feedback and work to improve our services and our regular "You said, We did" feature shows the improvements we've made.
This month:
You said - We were not always effective at dealing with ASB complaints and getting a resolution for victims.
We did - Worked in partnership with the local authority to train our staff with the tools to be able to issue Community Protection Warnings to customers that commit anti-social behaviour. Breaching this warning can lead to the issue of a Community Protection Notice and sanctions including fines or court hearings.
You said: You wanted to see more of us out in your communities.
We did: Kicked off our "in your neighbourhood" initiative this month which will see us visit four estates before the end of September.