Our June Performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we are performing, so each month we will share our performance figures with you. This graphic shows our performance figures for June 2021 and you can also download it here Customer Performance June 2021.pdf [pdf] 57KB or review previous months on our website, just search "performance". We are sharing these to be more open and transparent about how we are doing, if you have any feedback on them please e-mail engage@goldinghomes.org.uk
We continue to listen to your feedback and work to improve our services and our regular "You said, We did" feature shows areas where we have responded.
This month:
You said: You want to get involved and prefer to feedback via surveys.
We did: Launched a new text survey service this month which allows customers to give us their feedback quickly and simply from their mobile devices via text or e-mail.
You said: Our market rent customers had to wait a long time for a response to faulty or broken white goods.
We did: We’re working with a new white goods supplier. This has reduced the wait time for market rent customers affected by faulty or broken white goods installed in their homes, and an improved customer service.