What's going on?

'How would you score Golding?

The Government and Regulator of Social Housing have introduced a new way to measure the performance of all social housing providers in England and this time your views will decide how we do.  

Our September performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we’re performing, so each month we’ll share our performance figures with you. Here you can see our September performance figures...

Helping to improve our services

We’re committed to improving our services to provide you with a better customer experience. To help us with this aim our customer services team will be attending a series of training workshops in the next couple of months.

Your repairs guide is live

We're excited to launch our first online repairs guide for customers today, Thursday 6 October.


Have your say on our services

We’re committed to continuously improve our customer service and to do this we need your feedback.  

That’s why we’re asking you to have your say again and complete the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) perception survey. The survey only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete and is your opportunity to tell us how we’re doing and what we could do better.  

Our August performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we’re performing, so each month we’ll share our performance figures with you.

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