What's going on?


Maidstone reopens

As the restrictions for Coronavirus gradually lift, Maidstone Borough Council is reopening many areas.


An update to our repairs service

The government has recently changed its guidance on working in people’s homes. This means we are now able to make more repair appointments and action those outstanding repairs that were reported before lockdown.


The fight against fly-tipping

We have seen a huge increase in fly-tipping across our neighbourhoods since lockdown began. Our teams are seeing more cases of non-domestic waste being dumped in communal bin areas and on our estates.


Warning about scams

Scammers are constantly coming up with new ways to target people, whether this is on the doorstep, via text, phone, or online. We would like to make you aware of possible scam attempts, and urge you to protect yourself and others during this difficult time. 


Golding supports local Salvation Army

Maidstone families are receiving much-needed support from the Salvation Army food bank during the coronavirus outbreak. We are pleased to be able to provide funding to bolster the charity's efforts.

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