Princess Project welcomes families back

Golding homes is proud to support the Princess Project charity, which recently re-opened its service with their Mums’ Hubs which runs weekly in Gillingham, Maidstone town centre, Maidstone Park Wood and Tonbridge. These hubs are safe, welcoming, non-judgmental spaces for mums to visit to find support and community.
The project has received £2,250, over the last year, from the Golding Homes Covid-19 Response Fund grant pot. Colleagues from Golding Homes also volunteer their time, through the Golding Giveback scheme, to help with popular services such as Totcycle.
One local mother, from Maidstone, who has used the services of the Project said: “Receiving baby bits from Totcycle helped us when we were struggling and took some of the worries away.”
Emma Tanner, CEO, The Princess Project said: “We are so grateful to Golding Homes for funding us this year, which has allowed us to buy baby and toddler essentials- everything from nappies and formula through to stairgates and pushchairs- for families in need. When we couldn’t take in donations during lockdown, this funding meant we could continue to meet the need. It has made such a difference to local families.”
At Totcycle, items such as nappies, formula, toiletries and larger items are available for those in need, with children aged 0 to 5. Appointments can be booked via e-mail or they can arrange for delivery of bulky items for anyone on their own and unable to collect.
The Princess Project also provide informative courses on: CAP money- financial management and budgeting, Parentalk- informal, discussion-based parenting course (for parents of 0-11s) and Shine- promoting self-worth, purpose and self-esteem in women and girls.
To find out more about the Community Chest Fund please contact the Community Investment team by email at