Protecting our customers and colleagues against Coronavirus

As a responsible landlord we take the safety and wellbeing of our customers, and colleagues very seriously.
Given the changing situation with Coronavirus we want to update and reassure you with everything we are doing as an organisation to protect the wellbeing of our customers and colleagues.
We are following closely the advice and guidance of the Government and NHS and working to deliver essential services to our customers.
To minimise the spread of Covid-19 in our communities and workplace we are taking some simple precautions:
- When making appointments we will ask if you are self-isolating or have any of the symptoms of Covid-19. We will only use this information for the purposes of ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of our colleagues, partners, and wider communities. For further information about how we use this information please read our Frequently Asked Questions.
- For customers self-isolating or showing symptoms of Covid-19 we will carry out emergency repairs only. Our regular repairs service will continue for all other customers at this time.
- All non-essential home visits (not including repairs) will be carried out over the phone.
- To protect residents and our employees we will ask that a 2-metre distance is maintained during any scheduled appointments at residents’ homes.
- Our office at County Gate One, Maidstone is temporarily closed to customers and partners. There are other ways to contact us; simply call us on 0300 777 2700 (free from most landline and mobile numbers) or visit our Contact us page.
- Our Environmental team are working to sanitise frequently touched surfaces in our communal areas, e.g. door handles, handrails, lifts
- All Operatives have been given appropriate clothing and equipment, eg. masks, aprons, wipes, gloves, etc for protection.
- Any Golding employees who have symptoms are following the NHS advice to self-isolate. As an organisation we are encouraging colleagues to work from home where appropriate.
- All our employees have been briefed according to NHS advice to ensure they protect themselves and anyone they come into contact with.
We want to assure you that we are doing all we can to deliver essential services and provide support to our residents during this challenging time. We will continue to monitor the situation and reassess our response, keeping you informed if anything changes.
If you have any further questions we have produced some Frequently Asked Questions.
Thank you for your support and understanding at this time.