Putting customers at the heart of what we do

At Golding we are passionate about involving our customers and learning from them how we can improve our services. One customer recently got involved with helping us to assign the contract for cyclical decorations to a new supplier which made a really positive difference.
Asset Manager, Nigel Roberts explains: “For Golding Homes to deliver the best service possible, we wholeheartedly acknowledge that customer representation is absolutely vital when procuring new contractors to complete work on or within our customers’ homes.
So, we asked for a customer volunteer to join a panel, to score and interview new contractors for our cyclical decoration contract. This contract covers the painting and decoration of communal areas in our blocks, as well as external painting of almost 7,000 properties, so it’s a very significant piece of work!
Once we found our volunteer, I can honestly say that the input and insight we gained from that person was incredible. Not only have they made a valuable direct contribution in the decision-making behind this contract award, but they have also got us thinking about how we can be more inclusive and improve on this approach for future procurement exercises.”
Our customer volunteer told us: “I was interested in getting involved in the contract tendering work, mostly because I was happy that Golding valued a resident's perspective on something that has a real impact on our homes.
It was a detailed process that was far more involved than just cost and itineraries, and everyone in the selection process had their own take on the information provided.
When the contractors were shortlisted for interview, I asked questions from the resident perspective; from focusing on good communication with residents, health and safety and the complaints process (especially the length of time it took for a contractor to respond).
It was a real learning curve and I have given feedback to Golding Homes about how to support customers when they get involved in future. Going forward, I know that Golding are going to be encouraging many more customers to be involved. It’s a real change for us all and I think for the better.”
If you would like to know more about opportunities to get involved with Golding or consider joining our Customer Insight Group please contact engage@goldinghomes.org.uk for an informal chat or to register your interest.