Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility

We're supporting National Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week (20-24 Nov), which is all about protecting people from harm and abuse.
In the last year, a total of 16,739 reports of adult abuse were raised across Kent and Medway.
Adults can be at risk of different kinds of abuse and it can happen anywhere. This could be an adult neglecting themselves, or when someone else treats them in a way that harms or hurts them. It can happen once or on multiple occasions. People who abuse are not always strangers, they can also be partners, relatives, a friend, neighbour or carer.
Georgina Pennicott, Golding Homes’ Tenancy Manager said:
“The week aims to raise awareness on the different types of abuse or neglect and how concerns can be reported. We all have a responsibility to look after each other, to recognise key signs and to know who we should report them to. Without doing this we might miss out on important information that could help protect adults from exploitation and abuse.”
Adult abuse. See it, report it, stop it.
#SafeguardingAdultsWeek #SeeReportStop