We're supporting No More Week

We’re supporting No More Week (6-12 March) to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Even the smallest actions can help: educating ourselves, talking with our friends and family, and getting involved in our communities.
We’re committed to do everything we can to support our customers and colleagues who are affected by domestic abuse. As part of our work towards our Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) accreditation, we’ve been working on an action plan for how we’re going to improve our response to domestic abuse. Golding Homes, like other housing organisations are ideally placed to spot and respond to domestic abuse as we are often the first point of contact.
Genette Pinwill, Head of Tenancy Management said:
“We’ve had a great response from the business on this very important topic and have now got a really engaged Steering Group and 22 DAHA champions from across our services helping us on this journey. Our mission is to improve our response to domestic abuse, providing everyone with the support, learning and development tools needed to spot the signs and take a proactive approach to supporting survivors.”