Talk to us, we're here to help

We know that the rising cost-of-living is leading to difficult choices between heating your home and other essential costs like paying your rent. We’re here to help and give you the most appropriate advice.
Get in touch and let us know your circumstances so we can work with you and help you find a solution. You don’t have to deal with the situation on your own, talking with a member of our team can really help. Email or call 0300 777 2600.
Lisa Smith, Golding Homes Customer Success Manager, manages our Income, Welfare Benefits and Employment Advice teams. She said: “It’s really important that if you’re struggling to pay your rent and energy bills that you talk to our team so that, whether it's budgeting, finding work or making sure you’re claiming the right benefits, we can help.”
In addition to our Income team, we have our employment advice team that can help if you're looking for work and need some careers advice. We also have an expert team of Benefit Advisors who can help you with benefits or debt advice, free of charge. They can support with benefit assessments, helping with benefit claims, reviewing budgets, doing comparison checks on energy suppliers, and providing debt advice on priority bills. The team can also refer you to other organisations and agencies who may also be able to assist you.
Cost of living support events
If you’re worried about paying your household bills, need advice or information to help you manage the cost of your food and utility bills, or simply need support with rising costs - Maidstone Borough Council will be holding a series of daily events in The Mall Shopping Centre, Pads Hill, Maidstone from 3-8 October – 10.30am - 2.30pm. Simply drop in on one of these sessions to find out more.
Tenant Support and Wellbeing Service
All our customers can also make use of the free counselling and support service which is available 24/7. This is completely confidential and run by our partners, Tenant Support and Wellbeing Service (TSWS).
Freephone – 0330 094 8845
Website –
Username: goldinghomes
Password: tenant