The Knife Angel visits Maidstone

We’re supporting The Knife Angel’s visit to Maidstone as part of the National Youth Anti-Violence Programme and Tour 2022.
For 30 days from Monday 5 September, The Knife Angel will be on the forecourt of the Lighthouse Church (formerly St Faiths Church), Station Road, Maidstone.
Made from over 1000,000 blades seized by police forces across the UK, the Knife Angel is a striking reminder of the negative effects of violent behaviour and the need for social change. It’s a memorial designed to celebrate the lives lost through violent and thoughtless actions and was created help teach children, young people, and adults about the harm of violence in our communities.
Sarah Leipnik, Community Investment Manager at Golding Homes said: “We’re delighted to support the visit of this special sculpture as it delivers such a powerful message of anti-violence within our communities. This coupled with the engagements at our local schools is an incredible educational tool.”
The Knife Angel, also known as the National Monument Against Violence & Aggression started its official National Youth Anti-Violence Educational Programme and Tour across the UK in December 2018 and visited Rochester Cathedral during 2019. The team at OneMaidstone BID are the first Business Improvement District organisation to host the Knife Angel and sharing in the aim to help bring about social change have worked with key local partners including Golding Homes to bring The Knife Angel to Maidstone in September.
There’s a launch event to welcome The Knife Angel at 10:30, on Tuesday 6 September and a leaving procession on Sunday 2 October.
Find out more about The Knife Angel at: