Nina goes that “extra mile” and scoops up We Care award

Nina Woolard was totally shocked when she found out she was the winner of our We Care awards – recognising silent heroes who positively contribute to the well-being of others.
Nina was put forward by Golding customer, Ashley Walkling for helping and supporting elderly and disabled people at the Pheonix Club, Reculver Day Centre in Maidstone.
Ashley said: "Nina is wonderful. She runs a day centre for adults with disabilities and a foodbank for people in Maidstone. She's always there when you need a chat or help with anything. Everyone knows to go to her for advice and support. We’d be lost without her."
A winner of the We Care awards is chosen by Golding’s Customer Insight Group every three months from nominations put forward by our customers.
Winners of the awards, choose a reward to the value of £250. Nina has selflessly chosen to give her award back to the Pheonix Club and is treating the volunteers and members to a meal out in the new year. She’ll be using the rest to get some plants and plant boxes for the garden at the back of the centre. Nina said:
“I was shocked to hear I’d won this award. I’ve been working at the Pheonix Club for ten years now and love being able to help and support all our members. This is a safe environment for everyone to socialise with each other and have some lunch at the same time. We’re a great family. I’m going to use the reward to treat everyone to a meal out and use the rest to freshen up our little garden and grow some more vegetables.”
How to nominate
Do you know someone that’s gone that extra mile for you, your neighbours or local community?
We want to hear from you about the people you think are making a real difference to the lives and well-being of our customers .
Nominate an individual for our We Care awards