We Care awards - recognising silent heroes

We’re really pleased to launch our brand new We Care awards - recognising those “silent heroes” in our communities that go the extra mile to help others.
Thanks to an idea from Golding Homes’ Repairs Supervisor, Wayne Hepburn, you’ll now get the chance to nominate the people in your neighbourhoods who help individuals and communities, and positively contribute to the well-being of others.
Wayne Hepburn said:
“In our jobs we often hear about people in our communities going over and above to help others, so I wanted these silent heroes to be recognised. I was really pleased Golding agreed with my idea and got the ball rolling so we could launch these awards to our customers.”
Nominations for these awards need to come from a Golding customer but the nominee can be anyone who provides support or a service for individual s or communities where our customers live and have benefited from the support put in place.
You can make your nominations via our online form by calling us on 0300 777 2600. All you’ ll need to provide is yours and your nominee’s contact details and some information on why they should win this award.
Every three months our Customer Insight Group will get the fantastic job of choosing a winner from the nominations put forward by you. Not only does the chosen winner get recognised for their brilliant contribution and support to the local community but they also get to choose a reward up to the value of £250!
Wayne continues:
“Please nominate your silent heroes, anyone that helps and cares for others or goes that extra mile for others in your communities. They deserve some recognition and the chance to win a We Care award.”
How to nominate
Do you know someone that’s gone that extra mile for you, your neighbours or local community?
We want to hear from you about the people you think are making a real difference to the lives and well-being of our customers .
Nominate an individual for our We Care awards