We're all ears - tell us what you think

As your landlord, your views are important to us and we want to hear what you have to say.
With that in mind, we are happy to announce that we now have a dedicated Customer Experience and Engagement Manager at Golding. Lin Perkins is a member of the Customer Services team, and her main role is making sure that your views and experience of our services are at the centre of everything we do.
The work of contacting customers for feedback has already begun; you may have received an email recently which includes a link to a short survey. If you do receive an email (usually after you’ve contacted us, or received a service, for example a repair), please do fill in the short survey. Your views matter, and when you share them with us, we will use them to make improvements and to make sure that our priorities reflect yours.
There are going to be lots more opportunities for you to share your views, and to have a say in how we deliver our services. Please do contact us to register your interest, share some feedback, or to find out more by email at engage@goldinghomes.org.uk