Keeping you safe in your home

White goods are large appliances like tumble dryers, washing machines, fridges and freezers. Faulty electrical appliances are responsible for many domestic fires every year.
So, here's what you need to know to stay safe.
Check all appliances for faulty electrical cables, plugs and damage to casings which may provide access to external components or wiring. If you're purchasing or are given a second-hand item, it's a good idea to have it checked over by a qualified electrician
Install and use the appliance in accordance with the manufacture's guidance. If you don't have a user manual, they can be downloaded from the manufacture's website
Don't block vents or cover appliances in any way which may cause them to overheat
Regularly clean and maintain your appliances
Prevent the build-up of grease and fat on ovens and hobs
Clean the filters of fluff and lint in tumble dryers and washing machines after every use
Regularly defrost fridges and freezers if it's not a frost-free appliance
Although many products are fitted with timers, it's advisable to not use your dishwasher, tumble dryer or washing machine when you're away from the property or asleep in bed. If they do develop a fault you could be at risk from a house fire.
We should all be aware that the products in our homes may become subject to product recalls, often many months or years after purchase. Always register your appliance with the manufacturer to receive safety notices. You can also check the governments pages on product recall Product Recalls and Alerts - GOV.UK (