Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Explaining our data

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) Standard requires us to do tenant perception surveys to generate and report TSMs annually as set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. 

TSMs aim to make landlords’ performance more visible, allow comparison with other providers and help tenants hold their landlords to account.  They include 22 specific measures: 10 management information measures and 12 satisfaction measures. 

The TSMs add to our understanding of how we’re doing and what our customers think of the services we provide. The satisfaction measure surveys were completed by a random sample of customers who may or may not have received services in the last year.

The method used to gather this information by IFF-Research, is detailed below, in line with requirements set out by the Regulator for Social Housing.

Methodology used for gathering TSMs
Sample size? (number of responses) 593
Timing of survey  Conducted quarterly between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024
Collection method(s)   Telephone and Online (via e-mail invitation)
Sample method    Tenants in low cost rental accomodation
Summary of the representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population We want to make sure we're listening to all our customers equally. The sample size reflects our tenant population in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, property type and tenures of affordable and social housing
Weighting used?      No weighting has been applied
External contractor used?  IFF-Research has carried out these surveys independently on our behalf
Number of tenant households excluded?  No tenant households were excluded due to exceptional circumstances as described in paragraph 63 of the TSM guidance from Regulator of Social Housing
Sample size requirements? 554 was the minimum sample required from population of 7271 low cost rental accomodation tenants. We exceeded this requirement surveying a total of 593
Any incentives offered to encourage survey completion ? No incentives were offered to complete this survey and it was carried out independently by a third party
Questions asked? 

12 x regulatory TSM perception questions
1 x follow up open question after TP01 overall satisfaction question
2 x non reportable TSM questions 

Full 2023/24 TSM survey questions.pdf [pdf] 529KB

Any other methodological issues likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures?  None