Doors and Windows

Doors and Windows

We provide you with keys to your home and windows at the beginning of your tenancy.

We replace locks that are faulty due to age, normal wear and tear or mechanical fault. We will also replace locks if this is requested by our Tenancy or OPAL team for domestic violence or safeguarding reasons.  

Lock replacements for any other reason, or additional / replacement keys are a customer’s responsibility. You can find details for a reputable locksmith using services like or the Kent County Council Trading Standards Checked scheme Trading Standards Checked (  

Lost keys or lock changes for OPAL 5 star properties should be referred to OPAL in the first instance as they have specialist locks.  

Door entry systems are generally found in blocks of flats and communal entrances. They offer customers more security by controlling who has access to the flats. 

To give visitors access, you can operate the main external door by pressing the door entry button in your flat. When you sign your tenancy, you’ll be given a key fob and shown how the system works. If you lose your fob, we'll replace it and will recharge you for it. It’s very important that the communal entrance door is always locked and is never propped open for health and safety and fire safety reasons. If you notice a fault, please contact us immediately.

Providing your externals doors are secure, safe, and weather tight, we won' t replace them.

If malicious damage has been caused to your external doors or windows, we'll require a crime reference number to replace them and we'll make safe as an emergency.

Your internal doors are your responsibility, we won't adjust doors to allow for carpets or floor coverings.


Table of responsibilities and actions

*please refer to recharge policy                                                                                                                                            

Insecure front and back door 

Emergency – make safe 

Routine repair 


Insecure front and back door (where repair deemed uneconomical and/or impractical)




If damage to the door has been caused by a customer this may be rechargeable. If the damage is the result of a crime, we'll need a crime reference number at the time the damage is reported. If we're unable to repair the door we may refer the door for replacement. 

Flat entrance fire door 

Routine repair


Us Please don't install doorbells or any other equipment such as key safes on doors.
Insecure windows, frames and fittings 

Emergency – make safe 

Routine repair 

Us Only an emergency on the ground floor, or where access could be gained from scaffolding or another roof.
Windows handles and locking mechanisms 

Emergency – make safe 

Routine repair 

Us Only an emergency on the ground floor, or where access could be gained from scaffolding or another roof.
Lost door keys and locks 

Emergency – make safe 


5 star Sheltered Housing (OPAL) have specialist locks on their front doors / day centres. Contact OPAL if the lock barrel needs replacing.  

We'll help you to gain entry and will leave the property secure.   

Doors inside your home    You We won't adjust doors to allow for carpets or floor coverings.

Fire doors inside your home

Routine repair


Us* Kitchen fire doors (flats only)
Glass in windows (glazing) 

Emergency – make safe 

Routine repair 

Us* This is only an emergency if both panes are broken - if one is still intact the property is secure. If the damage is the result of a crime, we'll need a crime reference number at the time the damage is reported.

Misted glass in windows (glazing)

(3 or less panes)

Routine repair


Misted glass in windows (glazing)

(4 or more panes)

Routine repair

Glass doors and screens within your home    You  
External door ironmongery Routine repair Us  
Communal letterboxes – lost keys    You With exception of new tenancies within 30 days of moving in — assumed key not provided by Golding
Door bells   You Please don't install doorbells or any other equipment such as key safes on doors.