Flood advice

Flood advice

Preparing for floods

My home is being flooded

If you're in immediate danger from flood water, call 999.

Once you're safe, you can call our contact centre on 0300 777 2600 and tell us your home's been flooded.

Our staff are on hand to help you to access the support you might need. This could include advising on how to make an insurance claim, providing temporary accommodation and to arrange repairs or maintenance inspection visits.

Know your risk: 

Understand the flood risk in your area and the potential sources of flooding (river, surface water, groundwater).

Am I in a flood prone area?

Check Check the long term flood risk for an area in England - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

What to do now if you live in a flood risk area

Sign up for flood warnings: Sign up for flood warnings - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Understand what each of the flood warnings mean:

image of flood warning signs

Check your insurance cover

  • Check that your contents insurance policy covers flooding.
  • Find out if the policy replaces new for old, and if it has a limit on repairs.
  • Ensure you have correctly estimated the value of your contents.
  • Take photos of valuable items or keep receipts.

Know how to turn of your gas, electricity and water mains supplies

  • Know where your gas meter is - the shut-off valve will be attached.
  • Identify the location of your water stopcock – check that you can access it and turn it on/off.
  • Locate your main consumer unit/fuse box, use the main on/off switch to turn on or off electricity to the property.

Create a personal flood plan

·       The Environment Agency has a useful template: PDF_of_personal_flood_plan.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

·       Consider installing flood barriers or having sandbags available to help protect your home

·       Know your simplest, safest exit/escape route.

Have a 'grab bag' prepared

This should have everything you need if you have to leave your home and should be stored in a convenient place, ready to pick up.

It should include a phone charger, spare warm clothing, wet weather gear, any prescription medications, a torch, first aid kit, drinking water, a copy of any medical records, a contact list including your energy suppliers, insurance company, council and Golding Homes. 

What to do immediately before a flood

Prepare your home:

  • Elevate valuable items and furniture
  • Make sure mobile phones/devices are full charged
  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home to prevent water ingress
  •   Double check your grab-bag(s)  
  • Be ready to follow your flood plan  
  • Protect yourself and your loved ones
  • Move your loved ones, pets and valuables to a safe place
  • Move to higher ground or the upper floor of a building
  • Turn off the gas, electricity and water in your home if it’s safe
  • Put flood protection equipment in place
  • Do as the emergency services tell you
  • Help others if it’s safe to do so

During a flood:

  •   Stay Informed: Monitor flood warnings and follow instructions from local authorities.
  • Evacuate: If ordered to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Protect your property: If you're allowed to stay, take measures to protect your home from water damage.
  • Safety First: Prioritise your safety and the safety of your family
  • Avoid walking, cycling or driving through any flood water
  • Follow any instruction given by the emergency services

After a flood:

  • Safety check: Ensure the safety of your home and surroundings before entering
  • Document damage: Take photos of flood damage to assist with insurance claims
  • Clean up: Safely remove water and mud from your property
  • Dispose of contaminated items: Properly dispose of items that have been exposed to floodwater
  • Contact authorities: Report any damage to your local authorities, insurance company and us.