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Condensation and Mould

What is Condensation?

Condensation is the water droplets that appear on a cold surface when it comes into contact with warm air, e.g. on windows on a cold morning, on a bottle of milk when it comes out of the fridge, etc. It does not come through walls, but from moisture in the air.

What causes Condensation?

There are four main factors that cause condensation:

  • Too much moisture being produced in the home
  • Not enough ventilation
  • Cold surfaces
  • The temperature of your home

Condensation can lead to mould if you do not:

  • Improve ventilation in order to circulate air
  • Reduce the amount of moisture in the air
  • Maintain an adequate temperature (heating your home)

What is mould? 

Mould is a fungus that grows and multiplies in moist areas.  

The chances of your home being affected by mould is reduced if you keep your home warm, well ventilated and minimise the amount of moisture that’s released into the air within your home. 

What is damp? 

Damp occurs where moisture collects but does not have a chance to fully dry out. Damp is very common and is often caused by condensation. Damp usually builds up in areas where there is not much air movement.