Coronavirus Update

COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called coronavirus.
Coronavirus is a global health threat and we want to ensure the wellbeing of our customers. The latest advice surrounding the virus can be read on the government's website, this is updated regularly and includes lots of helpful information. The situation has now entered the 'delay' phase.
At Golding Homes, we are following the advice and guidance provided by the Government and continue to provide services and support to our customers.
Stop the spread of Coronavirus
The following steps can help reduce the possible spread of infection:
wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds (The NHS & Government have produced a short video to explain further.)
always wash your hands when you get home or into work
use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
If you feel unwell
Should you feel you need medical help the NHS advise you make contact through their online NHS 111 coronavirus service. Please do not visit a doctor's surgery, GP or hospital. Testing will not be carried out for those people self-isolating with minor symptoms.
The latest update from the Government is that if you have a new persistent cough or high temperature you are advised to self-isolate for seven days. This will help to protect others in your community while you are infectious.
If you report a repair or need to arrange an appointment, please ensure you advise our operators if you are self-isolating or have been diagnosed as having Coronavirus.
If you have recently traveled to the UK from one of the affected areas you are advised to stay indoors and avoid contact with other people.
Further advice
Find out how to protect yourself or check if you need medical help on the NHS website.
For the latest information on Coronavirus and the situation in the UK please visit the Government website