Helping to keep you and your loved ones safe

No-one likes to think that a fire might start at home, but accidents do happen, and being prepared can make all the difference.
What’s an escape plan?
In a nutshell, it’s the plan that could save you and your family in an emergency. In a smoky, scary atmosphere it’s easy to freeze, panic and become disorientated. By planning and practising how you'll escape with the whole family, you can be more confident about a safe escape – this is especially important if you (or someone in your home) might find it difficult to escape quickly without help.
If a fire starts inside your home, you need to:
- Get out - Stay out - Call 999 as soon as it is safe to do so
- If you live in a flat, follow the evacuation plan for your building
- Don’t try to fight the fire – you could put yourself and others in danger
Tips for safe escapes
- If you live in a flat, follow the evacuation plan for your building
- If any of your smoke alarms go off, never assume it's a false alarm
- The best route is usually the normal way you come in and out of your home, but plan for a second route, if possible, in case the first one is blocked
- Keep door and window keys where everyone you live with can find them – on hooks behind curtains or boxes on windowsills perhaps
- If there’s smoke, keep low where the air is clearer
- Try and keep calm, and close doors behind you to slow down the spread of fire and smoke
- Never go back into the building once you're safely outside
- If you – or anyone you live with – might find it difficult to escape quickly, without help in an emergency, you should make extra plans to get them to safety. Contact for help and advice on creating a plan.
- Take a few minutes to practice your escape plan regularly, especially with younger children who may not understand or could become scared in an emergency