Our August performance

We want to be open with our customers about how we’re performing, so each month we’ll share our performance figures with you. This graphic shows our performance figures for August 2022 you can also download it here Customer performance August 2022.pdf [pdf] 133KB or review previous months on this website, just search "performance".
If you’ve got any feedback on our performance or questions, please email engage@goldinghomes.org.uk
We're keen to hear from you and continue to listen to your feedback to improve our services. Our regular "You said, We did" feature shows the improvements we've made because of what you've told us.
You said: the void standard (of our empty homes) wasn’t good enough
We did: We've reviewed this and introduced changes to ensure our homes are handed over to customers in a better condition, including full decoration where required and removing out of date fittings.