Parking permit changes

We’ve been listening to our customers about how difficult parking near their home can be. We understand how important parking services are and earlier this year appointed UK Car Park Management Ltd (UK-CPM) to provide a free, easy to use, environmentally friendly, paper free solution to managing our parking spaces – you can find out more about them on their website here.
UK-CPM are experienced national parking management and enforcement services providers who will support the management of parking in our car parks/parking bays and make sure that only registered permit holders use our spaces.
Everyone, including customers, contractors and visitors parking in Golding Homes parking spaces, must have an electronic parking permit (E-permit)*. It’s free to register for an E-permit. Any vehicle found parked without a registered permit will received a penalty fine.
The service operates 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
[*We know that some customers still hold a paper permit; if you do have a paper permit it must be displayed in your vehicle.]
Parking Terms & Conditions
Parking is restricted to parking permit holders only. It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle and those of your visitors are correctly registered with a valid E-permit.
You must always park wholly within a marked bay.
Contacting UK-CPM
You can get in touch with UK-CPM by
Telephone: 0345 463 5050
PCN Portal: or call 0345 4634040