Variable service charges 2024
Variable service charges 2024
From April 2024, some of our customers will move from a fixed to a variable service charge. If you're one of the customers affected by this change, we'll write to you with more details by Monday 22 January 2024.
The services you receive such as communal energy use, insurance, cleaning, and grounds maintenance are covered by a service charge.
In the past, service charges have been fixed, so we set the charges at the beginning of the year and we didn't make any adjustment if the final costs were different. We’re changing to a new variable service charge which means you pay for what’s actually spent on your home, building or block.
We're making this change in line with your tenancy agreement, which will help you to clearly see and understand, exactly what services you’re paying for. If at the end of the financial year there is an overspend on the cost of services, we'll ask you to pay the difference; if there is an underspend, we'll refund the surplus amount to you.
This change doesn’t make a difference to the day-to-day services we provide, nor does it change how we budget the service charge for the year ahead. What will change comes after the financial year has ended on 31 March 2025. After 31 March 2025 we'll review what services cost and how much we charged. We then prepare year-end accounts which we’ll send to everyone by 30 September 2025.
We’ve responded to some questions customers frequently ask and you can find these FAQs below.
If you’ve any further questions about this change, we’ve a specialist team to help. Please contact us:
by email: or call us on 0300 777 2600.
Variable service charges FAQs
What if my charges suddenly increase in future?
When will I know more?
Why are you sending me this letter now?
What about charges not covered by Housing Benefit or Universal Credit?
Does this mean my service charges will increase?
What makes up my service charges?
When will I know what my new service charges are?
I can’t see these service charges on my schedule. Do I need to pay?
Who can I speak to about my service charges?
Do I have a choice about whether I accept the variable service charge?
Will this impact my Housing Benefit or Universal Credit?
Why are you doing this now?
What if I’ve over paid or under paid?
How is my service charge changing?